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Clothing shop window - fast fashion Photo by Hannah Morgan on Unsplash

Categories Tagged as Last Updated 30th August 2023 Written by Jasmine Wilson Is it realistic to lead a truly sustainable lifestyle? How can we as twenty-somethings find the right balance? Why is Fast Fashion Unsustainable? Economically: Fast fashion brands love to make a statement that they are providing jobs in less economically developed countries (LEDC’s) … Read more

group of friends dancing Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Categories Tagged as Last Updated 21st August 2023 Written by Jasmine Wilson Let’s face it, change is a part of everyday life but that doesn’t mean it feels any less daunting when it creeps up on you. This natural reaction from our brain tells us to react in a way to escape perceived danger, known … Read more

group of friends overlooking a city

Categories Tagged as Last Updated 15th August 2023 Written by Sophie Killip When the unexpected happens and we break apart from a friendship that we thought would last a lifetime, it’s crucial to give ourselves the space to grieve. Grieving any relationship can feel strange and confusing because the other person involved is still around … Read more

Categories Tagged as Last Updated 27th July 2023 Written by Cait Dalton It’s been a super weird time for jobs and employment. Talk Twenties has covered issues such as redundancy and savings and has offered great advice which we hope you’ve found useful. This time we’re talking about how to make your own job to … Read more